IOS Widget Release and more!
Find your brand new Elisi Widget on your iphone!
It directly shows your tasks and habits assigned to today in your planner.
And we have it adapted with IOS16.

In the new Elisi 4.0 IOS, you can now add a 4*4 widget to your desktop.
The widget reads your todo list, which is your planner for today.
Display Sequence: Newly added 4 tasks
More than 4 tasks will be folded in “…”
Mark:□Habits ○Tasks
Update automatically if the task is completed
More components will be added in next version
Widget is designed to be simple to use
Android widget will be available later this year.
Some minor issues have been fixed. Thank you for your feedback.
Here’s a bonus, by the way:
We are on Whatsapp now! Contact us to get instant help or join our group chat to share your goals!

Fill out Elisi survey to get a month premium!(Updated to your account next Monday)
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